IFLA 於 2024 年 12 月 9 日發布 LRMoo。LRMoo 為來自《國際圖書館聯盟圖書館參考模型》 (IFLA Library Reference Model, IFLA LRM) 的物件導向定義和對照,是一種概念模型,即以物件導向的建模框架來表達 IFLA LRM。
該模型是由圖書館和博物館社群共同開發,與博物館社群模型《國際文獻委員會概念參考模型》(CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, CIDOC CRM) 相容,即 LRMoo 版本 1.0 與 CIDOC CRM 版本 7.1.3 一致,並且也獲得了國際博物館理事會 (International Council of Museums, ICOM) 的正式認可。
LRMoo 計畫於 2024 年 4 月獲得專業委員會的批准,代表著書目概念模型審查小組 (Bibliographic Conceptual Models Review Group, BCM RG) 於 2017 年 (即 IFLA LRM 發布後不久) 啟動的計畫結束。
BCM RG 與 ICOM 的 CIDOC CRM 特別興趣小組 (CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group) 之間的密切合作始於 2003 年,目的是透過闡述圖書館模型 (當時為 FRBR) 在兩個社群的模型之間建立一座橋樑,使其能夠用於與 CIDOC CRM、並與之協同。該模型被命名為 FRBRoo (指物件導向的 FRBR),其 1.0 版本於 2010 年獲得批准。
定義 LRMoo 模型的文件遵循 CRM 系列模型規定的格式和佈局,從而可以利用 CRM 系列模型維護者開發的工具直接從宣告或聲明中產生資源描述框架 (Resource Description Frameworks, RDFS)。基本上,LRMoo 是一種高階、緊湊的模型,類別之間具有最少的層次結構,並且與 IFLA LRM 緊密結合,反映了對其範圍和粒度 (granularity) 的決策。
LRMoo 的目的是為了取代 FRBRoo 版本 2.4 (2016),該物件導向模型與被取代的 FR 模型 (指 FRBR、FRAD 和 FRSAD) 保持一致,包括從 FRBRoo 到 LRMoo 的過渡資訊。
更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增5校)
新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(114年1月底修訂表)
The paper presents ClaG, a novel classification system for plays and games created for the Archivio Italiano del Gioco (AIG) [Italian Games Archive], Udine, Italy. The primary goal of the classification system is to serve as a practical tool for highlighting the characteristics of a game that are useful for the selection, research, identification, and delivery of a game, or a set of games, to a player or group of players using a game library or a library with a game collection. This objective guid-ed all the decisions in its construction. The identification of the main relevant concepts was based on a twofold approach: a top-down strategy, by the identification of general concepts from specialized literature on play and game, and a bottom-up strategy, involving the recursive application and modification of these concepts to classify a set of 200 games (mainly table and board games). The paper elucidates the five fundamental concepts that underpin the construction of this classification: space, materials, setting, game outcome, and genre and provides a comprehensive overview of the classification system. To evaluate the classification system’s effectiveness, it was presented twice to a panel of experts who appreciated it and offered suggestions for improvement. The results indicate that the resulting classes are very small, each containing only a few items. Finally, the paper discusses prospects for the future development and use of the classification system.
Cataloging is a critical element in offering quality services in libraries. Quality cataloging influences retrieval efficiency, decision-making, time, and cost-effectiveness of different types of work. A small number of studies are available on the quality assessment of cataloging, and tools for evaluating catalogs are also limited. Researchers suggest local-level quality assessment of catalogs. In this study, the drawbacks of Zeng’s categorization system of error in evaluating catalogs in the context of the college libraries of Assam are discussed, and an assessment framework for quality assessment in the college libraries of Assam, India is developed. This tool was developed by modifying Zeng’s categorization system of errors based on the survey results among the study area's local users and frequent mistakes made by the local catalogers that were traced during the pilot study. This newly designed framework can also be used for local-level assessment with slight modifications in other areas. The results of this study can help assessment agencies, such as India’s National Accreditation and Assessment Council and National Institutional Ranking Framework, explore this aspect while assessing the qualities of higher education institutes.
國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第287期 2025/02/01發行