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  • 技術規範訊息
    美國圖書館協會 (ALA) "RDA 研究室系列" 網路研討會 (Webinar) 開放報名

    從 2020年6月30日到2020年12月8日止,每個星期二美東時間下午3:30 (台灣星期三清晨3:30),總共有六個系列,每個系列包含四場60分鐘的研討會。

    研討會內容在於協助參加人員如何實際運用 RDA 和 RDA Toolkit,每個課程都會提供親身體驗的實務操作機會。

    這個系列研討會,主要是協助探索 IFLA 提出的 Library Reference Model (LRM) 概念運用到實務的各個面向。包含了以下幾個項目:

    • Relationship Basics

    • Nomens

    • Manifestations

    • Persons

    • Works

    • Aggregate Manifestations



  • 技術規範訊息


    本文記述了OCLC "研究圖書館夥伴" (The OCLC Research Library Partnership)裡的 "館藏建設和營運工作小組" (Collection Building and Operational Impacts Working Group) 成員之間,針對本主題的實際工作經驗和處理方式的討論。

    面對氣候變遷的威脅, 世界珍貴的文化資產無法再等. IFLA 呼籲大家共同簽署公開信

    4月26日是「世界智慧財產權日」(World Intellectual Property Day)。本年的訴求在於透過改革創新來開拓環保的綠色的未來。

    IFLA 結合了各類的文化智識機構及國際組織,來共同簽署一封公開信,提醒全世界的政府和世界智慧財產權組織 ,在放眼為來之際,不要忘記了過去。



  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增14校;修改3校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(109年04月

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Inclusion and Collaboration: PCC CJK Community Growing Strong and Global

    Establishing Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) NACO, BIBCO, CONSER, and SACO funnels grew out of the PCC’s strategy of engaging and inclusion of diverse membership, and the commitment of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) to collaboration with PCC, the Library of Congress, and the American Library Association. Together, PCC CJK funnels and CEAL’s Committee on Technical Processing (CTP) have been taking leadership roles in contributing quality metadata, developing CJK-specific training programs, participating in the development of PCC policies and best practices, and engaging in international collaborations. This article discusses challenges the CJK funnels and CEAL CTP have faced and strategies taken in this ongoing collaborative endeavor.

    MARC to BIBFRAME: Converting the PCC to Linked Data

    The Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has formal relationships with the Library of Congress (LC), Share-VDE, and Linked Data for Production Phase 2 (LD4P2) for work on Bibliographic Framework (BIBFRAME), and PCC institutions have been very active in the exploration of MARC to BIBFRAME conversion processes. This article will review the involvement of PCC in the development of BIBFRAME and examine the work of LC, Share-VDE, and LD4P2 on MARC to BIBFRAME conversion. It will conclude with a discussion of areas for further exploration by the PCC leading up to the creation of PCC conversion specifications and PCC BIBFRAME data.

    CONSER: The Very Model of a Modern Cooperative Program

    The CONSER Program is the oldest component of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) and many elements that made CONSER a success were adopted by the PCC over the past twenty-five years. This article describes how CONSER’s evolution over the years in the areas of membership, leadership, standards, training and documentation influenced the development of the PCC.


國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第229期 2020/04/01發行

