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  • 技術規範訊息
    RDA Toolkit發布更新資訊

    RDA Toolkit網站於2022年3月21日發布更新資訊,更新內容包括對美國國會圖書館暨合作編目計畫(Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging)、大英圖書館(British Library)、音樂圖書館協會最佳實務(Music Library Association Best Practices)等政策聲明之更新。此次更新尚包括源自已獲RDA督導委員會(RSC)核准的兩項實質性提案之RDA內容的重大附加和變更。

    第一項實質性提案為「重新調整表現形式與表現形式之關係元素」(Realignment of Expression to Expression Relationship Elements),內容簡單摘要如下:

    1. 新增2個元素。
    2. 修改3個元素標籤。
    3. 變更4組(8個)元素層級。
    4. 其他改變:包括有關作品改編系列表現形式之關係捷徑(relationship shortcuts)、29組(共58個)元素與LRM配對、1組(2個)建議不使用之(soft deprecation)元素。  

    第二項實質性提案為「在 RDA 中實施的合集模型」(Implementing the Collections Model in RDA),內容簡單摘要如下:

    1. 新增67個元素。
    2. 不使用之58個元素及建議不使用之20個元素。
    3. 修改31個元素標籤。
    4. 改變57個元素定義。
    5. 變更40個元素層級。
    6. 增加6個元素捷徑文字。
    7. 新增2個詞表編碼方案。
    8. 新增或重新定義8個術語。

    前述兩項提案於核准後即納入 RDA 內容之重大附加和變更中,提案資料請逕參考 RSC/TechnicalWG/2020/1/RSCDecisions/rev RSC/TechnicalWG/2020/2/RSCDecisions/rev


  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增3校;修改1校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(111年4月底修訂表

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Classification systems for Jewish libraries and bibliographies – philosophy, warrants and relation to non-Jewish bibliographic practice

    This article analyzes bibliographic classification systems for Jewish libraries and Judaica from a cultural perspective, partly detached from their function as document retrieval tools. Theoretically and methodologically, the study refers to the significance of warrants as formulated in Library and Information Science. With specific interest in the relation between Jewish and non-Jewish classification and bibliography, examples are given of systems from Europe and the USA, primarily from the twentieth century. Results indicate that bibliographic classification systems not only represent documents but reproduce cultural and ideological preferences of both designers and historical situations. In their effort to document religion in a bibliographic context, the example systems help to formulate various aspects of Judaism through both hierarchical structuring and subject definition.

    The future of bibliographic services in light of new concepts of authority control

    Over the last three decades, a number of major changes in the field of cataloging have led to the definition of new forms of authority control. The introduction of FRBR and of IFLA LRM have been followed by continuing studies, including, more recently, the implementation of linked data in library catalogs, as well as improvements to data models in order to ensure the broadest possible interoperability among systems. A new approach to authority control and its connected services can be based on the combination of manual and automatic processes of data validation and enrichment, together with the use of knowledge bases as authoritative sources. This will also grant wider data interoperability, opening up a new level of cooperation among the international institutions and organizations concerned with the dissemination of knowledge.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第254期 2022/05/01發行

