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  • 技術規範訊息
    OCLC 為推動鏈結資料在檔案和特藏的運用,與研究圖書館夥伴共同出版新的研討文件

    OCLC "研究圖書館夥伴" (The OCLC Research Library Partnership),從2019年開始,招募了16位在檔案、數位館藏及罕見圖書的管理和庋藏有多年經驗的專業人員,共同討論如何推動特藏裡的資料轉型到鏈結資料的運用。這些討論過程所探索過的各個面向,包含如何選定有潛力發揮鏈結資料特性的主題特藏,在推動過程可能碰到的難題和困難等等。這些都記載在新出版的文件 "Archives and Special Collections Linked Data: Navigating between Notes and Nodes" 中。這份文件為大家概述了未來在運用鏈結資料時即將面臨的挑戰以及可以充分發展的各種機會。

    RDA Toolkit beta site移除「關係矩陣」(Relationship Matrix)

    RDA Toolkit網站於2020年6月15日發布最新消息移除RDA Toolkit beta site之「關係矩陣」(Relationship Matrix),原因在於原本用來取代RDA附錄I-L以便使用者能快速查得關係元素的「關係矩陣」,其內容出現不正確且難以處理內容的更新。RDA的版權持有者在與RDA指導委員會(RDA Steering Committee, RSC)協商後,決定從RDA Toolkit beta site網站中移除「關係矩陣」,待功能重建並可運行後,再將之納入RDA Toolkit。

    OCLC獲Mellon Foundation資助發展鏈結資料基礎建設

    OCLC於2020年1月9日獲得美隆基金會(Andrew W. Mellon Foundation)243.6萬美元資助,於2020年1月至2021年12月為期2年時間開發共享的「實體管理基礎建設」(Entity Management Infrastructure),以支持圖書館界和和學術交流界正在進行的鏈結資料管理啟始計畫。


    圖書館一直在尋找機會使學術資料和其他館藏在網絡上更容易被探索,並且希望擴大其館藏與其他相關館藏鏈結的機會。預計OCLC將與LD4P社群(由史丹福大學圖書館帶領並由美隆基金會資助的Linked Data for Production project參與圖書館)合作,以確保該系統與圖書館鏈結資料環境的發展能相得益彰。

  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增5校;修改1校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(109年07月

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Retrospective Enhancement of Thesis Cataloging and the Match Rate of Authors in National Authority Files

    The researchers extracted a disproportionate stratified random sample from 40 years of thesis bibliographic records at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. Match rates for thesis authors in the LC/NACO Name Authority File and in Canadiana Authorities were examined. ProQuest digitization of older theses, the creation of an institutional repository, the move to electronic theses and dissertations in 2011, and the implementation of vendor-assisted authority control in 2017 impacted bibliographic records. In addition to the dearth of matches in general, results uncovered false matches and significant changes to Library and Archives Canada thesis authority control practices over the years.

    Defining Cataloging Ethics: Practitioner Perspectives

    Catalogers often need to make ethical decisions about their daily work. What is the starting point for defining cataloging ethics and how do practitioners define the concept? In this article, the authors explore definitions of ethics and cataloging ethics in the literature, and subsequently analyze responses to a question asking respondents to define cataloging ethics. Set against the existing backdrop of the American Library Association “Code of Ethics,” the authors propose that shared values create a framework for discussing cataloging ethics, rather than a single articulated definition.


    Copyright and Digital Collections: A Data-Driven Roadmap for Rights Statement Success

    An earlier version of this manuscript was presented by the authors at the biennial conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, April 13, 2019. The authors wish to acknowledge the Research and Publication Committee of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, which provided support for the completion of this research. We would also like to thank Janet Swatscheno, the Digital Publishing Librarian at the University of Illinois Chicago, for her helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.

    This article summarizes the results of interviews with Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) service hub participants to determine whether and how standardized rights metadata is included in their digital collections. Providing accurate standardized rights metadata is crucial to communicating with patrons regarding how they can use objects in digital collections. Results from the interviews reveal key findings on effective rights statement implementation techniques as well as common tools used by librarians when applying rights statements to digital collections.

    Analyzing Cataloging Job Descriptions: Are Cataloging Jobs Disappearing, Changing, or Merging?

    To determine the state of the cataloging job market, this study compares job advertisements from August 2016-August 2018 advertising for jobs with cataloging in the title, metadata in the title, and cataloging and metadata in the title. Given ongoing concerns about the impact of metadata jobs on the cataloging job market, this study asks the questions: Are cataloging jobs in fact “disappearing” and becoming metadata jobs? Are entry-level jobs disappearing, perhaps contributing to the idea that there is a lack of qualified catalogers? Is there a difference in position level between cataloging and metadata job advertisements that can account for a lack or perceived lack of available cataloging jobs? Are there more entry-level or mid/supervisory positions advertised? Are cataloging and metadata jobs really separate, or should they be considered one position called cataloging and metadata?

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第233期 2020/08/03發行

