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  • 技術規範訊息
    OCLC 研究小組將從三月起 陸續舉辦網路研討會 討論如何保存及運用研究圖書館所蒐藏的視聽資料 (A/V Work)

    OCLC 研究小組過去幾年持續推動,如何針對檔案館或者或圖書館特藏裡特別收藏的罕見而且獨一無二的視聽資源,進行適當的管理,運用,並進一步提供公眾利用。


    從三月開始,每個網路研討會會邀請一個 "研究圖書館夥伴"群組的成員,現身說法討論面臨的挑戰。詳細時間及主題請詳原網站貼文。

  • 資訊組織活動
    中華民國圖書館學會108年「圖書館資訊組織進階訓練」研習班 (講義及影音資源公開取用)




    課程名稱 授課講師 講義 相關影音連結
    資訊組織發展趨勢 邱子恒 如下方附加檔案 第1節第2節
    RDA概論及編目實務1~2 陳和琴 如下方附加檔案



    鏈結資料發展與應用 柯皓仁 如下方附加檔案 第1節第2節第3節
    FRBR與BIBFRAME發展 陳淑君 如下方附加檔案 第1節第2節第3節


  • 編目園地快報



    (二)刪除類目「863.09 臺灣文學史」之注釋文字。

    (三)新增類目「863.091 詩史」等6條目。










    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增6校;修改3校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(109年03月

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Oral History Interview of PCC Founding

    The Library of Congress (LC) is conducting oral history interviews of staff. As part of this effort, Ann Della Porta (ADP) and Dave Reser (DR) were recently interviewed and parts of the interview provide background into their role in the beginning of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC), among other topics. Jeanne Drewes (JD), Chief of the Library’s Binding and Collections Care Division, served as the interviewer. The transcript of the interview has been edited for length to focus on the beginnings of the PCC, and to follow a chronological order. Please note that the entire interview will be available on the Library of Congress website, which includes how both Ann and Dave got their start at the Library and their earlier work there.

    The History and Development of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging

    Libraries, which take seriously the responsibility to facilitate discovery and delivery of information resources for their patrons, have historically found cataloging costly and cumbersome. In the early 1970s, a series of initiatives was undertaken to develop more cooperative and expeditious approaches to reducing the cost of cataloging, while improving its quality. These initiatives culminated in the formation of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging. This article is a brief history of how the Program came to be, its structure, and what might be in store for it in the future.

    Special Libraries and PCC: Adopting Community Standards at Focused Collections

    A reminiscence on the positive influence of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) through the perspective of the author’s career as she moved from university libraries into the specialized realm of a research library within a museum. The author describes her service on the PCC Policy Committee, how The Frick Art Reference Library joined PCC, and how New York City art librarians facilitated best practices in partnership with PCC trainers and the ArtNACO Funnel. The mutual benefits of PCC and the unique contributions of special libraries are emphasized. Challenges to this community’s participation in PCC are outlined, with suggestions for going forward.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第229期 2020/04/01發行

