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  • 技術規範訊息
    美國德州的圖書館 拒絕配合推廣一本具爭議性的年度選書

    "American Dirt" 是美國極具影響力的 歐普拉讀書俱樂部的 2020 年度選書之一。除了作者在數家出版商競標後獲得了7位數美金酬勞以外,本書也獲得很多作家,包含史蒂夫金的稱讚和推崇。然而由於內容對於墨西哥文化的偏頗闡釋及對拉丁裔人物角色的定型化描寫,也招致了很多的批評。本篇報導描述美墨邊境的 McAllen Public Library 本來預定和 ALA 及 歐普拉讀書俱樂部共同推廣這本書的閱讀,但是在閱讀了書的內容後,館長 Kate Horan 決定退出推廣活動的理由。雖然如此,圖書館仍然收藏了本書供讀者選讀。本書至今仍然位居 Amazon 暢銷書的排行榜。

  • 技術規範訊息
    圖書館結合社群, 用手製小雜誌 (Zine) 來傳達社區的心聲

    所謂的 手製小雜誌 (Ziine)  指的是手工製作的小型出版品,內容可以包含完全自創的內容;也可以是對其他已經出版物的物件的引介,評論等等,來表達自己的意見和心聲。形式上除了文字以外,當然也可以包含圖片,手繪插圖及裝飾。版面和外型更是隨作者的想像力可以有各種不同的發揮和創意。


  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增3校;修改0校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(109年01月

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Subscribe to Open: Modeling an open access transformation

    The introduction of Plan S, an initiative for open access launched by a group of primarily European national funding agencies and two foundations in late 2018, prompted discussion about how publishers will transition to full open access. Many current open access models involve article processing charge (APC) payments. Here we describe an alternative model, Subscribe to Open (S2O).

    The Impact of More, Better, Faster, Cheaper: How the PCC Influenced Everything That Followed

    The beginnings and the early years of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) had a profound impact on the approach taken to cataloging in North America and around the world. The commitment to standards, cooperation, and expanded access also had an impact that went far beyond cataloging operations. One library dean traces the evolution of her vision and contemplates how the PCC’s principles have shaped her entire career and have affected the libraries in which she has worked.

    PCC: A Leader of Change

    From its beginnings, the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) has been an international leader of change in bibliographic and authority control and maintenance, and metadata creation and distribution. This article highlights some PCC achievements in these areas.


    Confronting the Digital Environment: Assessing the Challenges to Bibliographic Control of Electronic Resources

    In the early 2000s, the dissemination of digital information resources was overwhelming library collections. Libraries struggled to make these materials discoverable in OPACs. The PCC stepped up its priorities to develop training, standards, and procedures for addressing digital content. Two events influenced the thinking and the direction of the PCC: The Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium: Confronting the Challenges of Networked Resources (2000) and the 2004 CONSER Summit on Serials in the Digital Environment. The discussions and the priorities resulting from these events provided guidance to the PCC.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第227期 2020/02/03發行

