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  • 技術規範訊息

    2021年9月,加拿大多倫多大學的Elisa Sze被任命為RDA指導委員會(RSC)之教育和指導官,負責與多個地區的圖書館資訊科學(LIS)教育工作者和教師聯絡,以便收集並將教育界的觀點和需求回饋給RSC。

    歷經1年多的努力,Elisa Sze於2022年11月向RSC提交了〈關於在LIS課堂上教授RDA的方法之報告〉(Report on approaches to teaching RDA in the LIS classroom)。

    該報告透過與各教育工作者進行長達1年的非正式、面對面的訪談,進而收集到相關見解,並為 LIS 教育工作者提供了一種 將官方新版 RDA Toolkit(Official RDA Toolkit)納入詮釋資料創建和編目課程的可能方法。

    Elisa Sze於美國東部時間2月24日星期五上午11:00舉行的免費網絡研討會上展示她的報告、並回答相關問題。


    「BIBFRAME 2023年1月更新論壇」著重於FOLIO開源圖書館服務平台與BIBFRAME之探討

    LC於BIBFRAME網站上發布「BIBFRAME 2023年1月更新論壇」(BIBFRAME January 2023 Update Forum)。

    近來,包括LC等幾個大型機構皆聚焦於以FOLIO開源圖書館服務平台建構出一個能夠支援BibFrame/LinkedData 的圖書館自動化作業環境,所以本次論壇主題著重於 FOLIO 與 BIBFRAME 的探討,檢視以社群合作方式開發的 FOLIO 如何協助引入BIBFRAME和Linked Data,並處理其所衍生的多種模組的問題。


    • Introduction(主講:Sally McCallum)
    • BIBFRAME Possibilities in FOLIO(主講:Sebastian Hammer)
      • 負責FOLIO核心開發之Index Data公司總裁Sebastian Hammer,描述了 FOLIO開放性的本質,以及軟體供應商可如何利用FOLIO的模組來打造一個 以BIBFRAME為核心的作業環境。
    • Stanford’s Challenges with FOLIO(主講:Jeremy Nelson)
      • Jeremy Nelson講述史丹佛大學迄今為止轉換至FOLIO系統、並同時結合史丹佛大學多個圖書館系統的歷程
    • Managing Entities in FOLIO : An Overview of Current Efforts and Future Development(主講:Jason Kovari、Gloria Gonzalez)
      • 來自康乃爾大學的Jason Kovari,敘述FOLIO社群目前正在討論關於實體管理的願景和實例;來自EBSCO的Gloria Gonzalez則基於EBSCO與LC之密切合作,進而探討EBSCO與LC的BIBFRAME措施,未來將如何影響FOLIO平台。
    • Points from BIG discussions of Interoperability with Flexibility(主講:Melanie Wacker)
      • 哥倫比亞大學的Melanie Wacker是BIBFRAME互操作性組織(BIBFRAME Interoperability Group, BIG)的聯合主席,該組織正在研究各種系統之間的交換,甚至是同一系統的不同實施,並指出現正討論相關進展方向。



  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增6校;修改3校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(112年02月底修訂表

  • 資訊組織文獻
    Handicapped has been cancelled: The terminology and logics of disability in cultural heritage institutions

    This paper originated from a collaborative effort between an academic and archivist and a cataloger to address the issues around the LCSH heading “Social disabilities.” In it, we examine various aspects and consequences resulting from the ways that galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and special collections (GLAMS) organize knowledge about disability and disabled users. We do this primarily through the lens of documentary analysis of cataloging and classification systems as this process, elsewhere called “the power to name” (Olson, 2002), as it is the basis for the operation of GLAMS. First, we will provide an outline and contextual information about the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the largest and most influential subject heading vocabulary system in the world. Next, we will examine the discourse around disability in library and information science via the results of a literature review. Next, we will examine the history, transformations, use, and meaning behind the LCSH heading “Social disabilities,” as an example of breakdown in terminology. Finally, and unique to the literature, we will propose an alternative hierarchy of terms for the Persons hierarchy in LCSH and discuss other methods that catalogers may use for organizing holdings about disability.

    Juvenile Biography Collection: EDI Analysis and Enhancement

    Inherent bias in Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and non-LCSHs impedes patron access to materials. To improve discoverability of their juvenile biography collection, librarians at the University of Central Florida Libraries utilized a 39 item Qualtrics questionnaire to analyze the subject headings in the bibliographic records of 952 juvenile biographies. Each biography was evaluated for elements of the biographee’s gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality. The resultant data was incorporated into local subject headings yielding 2,972 additional points of discoverability. More inclusive Library of Congress subject headings, and terms from Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms (LCDGT) and Homosaurus were also added.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第264期 2023/03/01發行

