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  • 技術規範訊息
    ISBD 因應 LRM 將展開修訂工作

    IFLA於2022年10月4日發布有關ISBD審查組(ISBD Review Group)刻正尋找可加入使 ISBD 與 IFLA 圖書館參考模型(IFLA LRM)保持一致的修訂工作之候選人的資訊。



    • 在具體呈現實體層級(the-Manifestation entity level)完成ISBD與LRM的一致;
    • 分析2011年ISBD統一版(ISBD Consolidated edition 2011)於2021年更新之元素集(the element sets)的落差;
    • 製作用於具體呈現的ISBD(ISBDM),此為與依據LRM來描述ISBD具體呈現的規定保持一致的元素集。


    這些修訂工作由ISBD審查組的ISBD具體呈現工作小組(the ISBD for Manifestation Task Force of the ISBD Review Group)進行,目前正擴展為2個特定領域:a) ISBDM的規範性和細節品質性(prescriptiveness and granularity),以及b) ISBDM規範的範例(旨在展示與驗證規範)。




  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增14校;修改13校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(111年11月底修訂表

  • 資訊組織文獻
    The Linked Data Librarian – an emerging speciality or the new cataloguer

    The purpose of this study is to come to an understanding of the role of the Linked Data Librarian as well as to explain why this librarian requires significant skills and knowledge in the area of creating and working with legacy library metadata.

    Typical job positions for cataloguing and metadata librarians from two different librarian job posting websites were monitored and examined over the course of nearly three months. The findings from the analysis were compared with a new job posting for a Linked Data Librarian to answer the question regarding whether or not the Linked Data Librarian is just a new type of cataloguer or if the job posting represents a new speciality within librarianship.

    The analysis found that in the early days the position of Linked Data Librarian will appear to be very much like a cataloguer and linked data librarian. As linked data technologies become established in libraries and Bibliographic Framework is eventually implemented, the position will take on its full Linked Data leadership role.

    Seeing as the Linked Data Librarian position is a new one, little analysis of it and how it fits into the cataloguing and metadata department as well as the library in general exists. This paper seeks to fill that gap.


    Nuovo soggettario and Semantic Indexing of Cartographic Resources in Italy

    The paper focuses on the potential use of Nuovo soggettario, the semantic indexing tool adopted by the National Central Library of Florence (Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze), for indexing cartographic resources. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of place names, the use of formal subjects, and the different ways of constructing subject strings for general and thematic maps.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第260期 2022/11/01發行

