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  • 技術規範訊息
    「BIBFRAME 2022年6月更新論壇」議程 LC發表多項BIBFRAME 100相關議題

    LC於BIBFRAME網站上發布有關將在2022 ALA年會 (2022 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition) 期間舉行的「BIBFRAME 2022年6月更新論壇」(BIBFRAME June 2022 Update Forum)。

    該論壇舉行前已先說明隨著LC之BIBFRAME 100的目標日期將在2022年秋天到來,屆時多數LC編目人員將在具有 MARC 轉換功能以建立 MARC 紀錄的 BIBFRAME 系統中進行資源的著錄,LC希望藉此論壇突顯一些可能影響LC之資料使用者的發展。

    LC採訪與書目檢索部門主管Beacher Wiggins將首先介紹「LC採訪與書目檢索理事會」(LC Acquisitions 和 Bibliographic Access Directorate)的現況和期望。

    隨後LC專家將深入非拉丁語領域,討論更多文字(scripts)、有多少音譯( transliteration)、音譯表評審(transliteration table reviews)、BIBFRAME編輯工具Marva中的非拉丁語之文字輸入、以及可共享的音譯公用程式(sharable transliteration utility)。

    此外,LC也將報告通過新的發布軟體(new distribution software)來共享 BIBFRAME資料,包括作品、實例、書目資源集(hubs)、名稱、主題和許多標準清單。該論壇將以OCLC的報告結尾,介紹OCLC對於使用LC之BIBFRAME紀錄和/或從BIBFRAME資料建立的MARC紀錄之初步想法。


    BIBFRAME 轉換之 MARC 簡化工作小組

    於2022年初成立的「BIBFRAME轉換之MARC簡化工作小組」,為美國合作編目計畫(PCC)工作小組之一,其任務係透過檢查 BIBFRAME 2.0 到 MARC 21 轉換程序和相關規格來開發一套簡化的MARC欄位 ( 即 Skinny MARC 紀錄),以便有效且正確地支援 BIBFRAME 轉換。

    該工作小組將設置並啟動可交付成果中列出的多項工作,並隨時向合作編目政策委員會(Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Committee, PoCo)通報這些建議。工作小組最終報告之到期日預定為2022年10月31日。


    • 基於PCC RDA BSR(BIBCO標準紀錄)詮釋資料應用程序配置文件和CSR(CONSER標準紀錄)RDA詮釋資料應用程序的核心元素及經全面評估的選項來發展一套簡化MARC欄位(即Skinny MARC紀錄)的標準;
    • 評估使用URI增強的書目和權威紀錄作為MARC Pilot中PCC URI的一部分,以便用於雛型Skinny MARC紀錄的紀錄測試集;
    • 檢查和測試BIBFRAME 2.0到MARC 21轉換程序和相關規格,並全面分析利弊;
    • 試驗簡化的紀錄,看看它們在本地探索系統或圖書館自動化系統中的表現如何,包括各種圖書館;
    • 確定建立和使用簡化MARC的案例;
    • 評估一組由LC於2022年初提供自BIBFRAME轉換為MARC的樣本紀錄;
    • 研究有關資料對照相關計畫,例如「共享式虛擬探索環境之智慧實體識別」(Share Virtual Discovery Environment Sapientia Entity Identification, Share-VDE SEI)工作小組和Sinopia等;
    • 執行環境掃描以查看該領域之其他工作是否已完成;
    • 包括連續性資源、視聽資源、珍善資源、樂譜等不同類型資源的範例和觀點。在最終確定之前,這些資源需經社群的審查;
    • 諮詢專業領域的同事以確保可行的結果;
    • 制定挑戰清單、可能的解決方案和實施計劃。


  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增7校;修改4校)

    新增 國家圖書館學位論文系所名稱或代碼新增、修訂一覽表(111年6月底修訂表

  • 資訊組織文獻
    The International Standard Name Identifier : extending identity management across the global metadata supply chain

    This article describes how ISNI is being adopted as a common identifier across disparate sectors of publishing. Whether publishing and distributing recorded music, film or text ISNI is making good identity management a staple element in the global metadata supply chain. As the content creation industries become more engaged with the value of embedding good metadata from the point of publication libraries can look forward to benefitting from a truly global revolution in the metadata supply flow. A case study describes how a British Library project has taken ISNIs already in the British National Bibliography and cross-matched them with data from UK publishers' own databases to embed ISNIs into the book supply chain. It also describes plans for ongoing publisher engagement through implementation of ISNI assignment into its cataloguing-in-publication workflows for UK legal deposit.

    Numismatics & Bibliographic Description: How Rutgers University Libraries Described Coins with MODS

    Realia pose challenges when utilizing bibliographic metadata standards. Rutgers University Libraries, in collaboration with Rutgers University's Classics Department, created a large digital library collection of ancient Roman coins in RUcore, Rutgers University's Community Repository. RUcore records use Metadata Object Description Standard (MODS) for descriptive metadata and many custom fields. Therefore, it was necessary to adapt numismatic description to fit this structure. During the planning stage of the project, Numismatic Description Standard (NUDS), a numismatic database standard implemented and maintained by the American Numismatic Society (ANS), and VRA Core, an art-centered XML metadata standard created by the Visual Resources Association, provided valuable insights. However, this project faced challenges in terms of interoperability and time constraints that required altering the team's approach to this unique set of resources in a digital library environment. Key issues were encoding B.C.E. dates in a machine-readable format for optimal searching and browsing, developing local controlled vocabularies, providing subject access to the iconography on coins, and the research-intensive work of metadata description. This article provides "how to" information, as well as a critical analysis of lessons learned and opportunities for improvement as the linked data landscape has changed both bibliographic and numismatic description.

國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第256期 2022/07/01發行

