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  • 技術規範訊息

    加拿大亞伯達大學圖書館(University of Alberta Library, UAL)於2022年1月20日宣布「啟動鏈結資料實施計畫」(Launch Linked Data Implementation Plan)。

    UAL現正處於BIBFRAME和非BIBFRAME格式之鏈結資料的轉型時刻,並且體認到圖書館詮釋資料標準面臨著重大變革,鏈結資料刻正被納入核心標準,從而導致大規模資料轉移和對圖書館系統的相關影響。UAL 也一直積極參與並引領此一轉變,且與標準組織和其他主要合作夥伴合作,這些合作夥伴包括生產鏈結資料計畫(Linked Data for Production, LD4P)、Share-VDE 和合作編目計劃(Program for Cooperative Cataloging, PCC);同時近期亦與 Share-VDE  共同簽署了一份為期 5 年的合作備忘錄,藉由此類合作夥伴關係,可以利用更廣泛的社群力量, 為資源描述 與探索開發基於鏈結資料的新工具做出貢獻和努力。

    Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials(RDA edition)正式出版

    由美國大學與研究圖書館學會(Association of College & Research Libraries, ACRL)善本與手稿部門RDA編輯群(RBMS RDA Editorial Group)所編製之《珍善資料記述編目(RDA版)》(Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (RDA edition), DCRMR),已於2022年2月8日宣布正式出版。


    DCRMR為包括善本、手稿、特藏等各種不同珍善資料格式之編目規則,且是搭配RDA元素集(RDA element set)的RDA相容手冊。本版內容僅包括有關圖書的規定(book instructions),未來將加入其他珍善資料格式,並從圖片(graphics)開始。DCRMR之PDF檔,於2022年2月3日起提供線上瀏覽。

  • 編目園地快報

    更新 國家圖書館學位論文學校及系所(新增5校;修改1校)

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  • 資訊組織文獻
    Call me by your name : towards an authority data control shared between archives and libraries

    An important and not often addressed topic – considering the issues opened by cross-disciplinary projects – is the shared control of authority records, or better authority metadata, extended to other documentary and cultural heritage sciences.  This paper will examine the potential opened by multi-dimensional and networked logics in the representation of entities in the form of data towards which the document communities are converging. This approach is even more valid if we consider the users' point of view, presently forced to jump from one information environment to another, and confront different names, forms and attributes for the same entities. The core entities to work on are persons, corporate bodies, places, chronological contexts, events, qualifying their relationships.

    After a brief resume of archival description's peculiarity, the paper highlights the updated standards available, mostly IFLA-LRM and RiC, precious documents to start from and stimulate an active collaboration. To facilitate the sharing, control, and enrichment of authority data in the form of RDF assertions, librarians and archivists may follow several pathways: matching the existing conceptual models, converging on a shared data playground like Wikidata, and developing foundational meta-ontology.


    Control or Chaos: Embracing Change and Harnessing Innovation in an Ecosystem of Shared Bibliographic Data

    With the transition from MARC to linked data, how we create and manage bibliographic data is drastically changing. This shift provides increased opportunity to test resource description theory and develop best practices. However, efforts to simultaneously define models for creating native linked data descriptions and crosswalk these models with MARC have resulted in ontological differences between implementers and unique extensions. From the outside looking in this progress may look more like bibliographic chaos than control. This apparent chaos, and the associated experimentation is important for communities to chart a path forward, but also points to a challenge ahead. Ultimately this disparate community innovation must be harnessed and consolidated so that open standards development supports the interoperability of library data.

    This paper will focus on modeling differences between RDA and BIBFRAME, recent attempts at MARC to BIBFRAME conversion, and work on BIBFRAME application profiles, in an attempt to define shared purpose and common ground in the manifestation of real world data. Emphasis will be placed on the balance between core standards (RDA, MARC, BIBFRAME) and community based extensions and practice (LC, PCC, LD4P, Share-VDE), and the need for a feedback loop from one to the other.


國家圖書館編目園地電子報 第252期 2022/03/01發行

